The Bus Ministry
Reaching the Wiregrass Community
If there is one thing Crossroads Baptist Church is known for in our community, it is our bus ministry. Our Pastor’s wife was reached as a little girl through a bus ministry in Florida which introduced her to Jesus and eventually reached her entire family for Christ.
This is one reason that this particular ministry has been held so near and dear to our church's heart.
Literally thousands of people in the Wiregrass area have come to church, heard the Gospel preached, and had their lives forever changed because of this gospel tool.
God has used this powerful ministry to change the lives of countless young children, teens, and adults.
Since 1990, our bus routes have run up and down the streets of our community every Sunday, reaching those with the good news of Jesus who otherwise would never hear.
Thousands of souls have been saved, lives changed, and families helped.
Our bus ministry is operated by volunteers in our church who selflessly serve every week to bring people to Jesus.
If you would like to partner with us to keep this ministry going, you may do so by making a donation here.
If you live in our local area, we would be delighted to bring you to church on one of our buses. Contact us today!